OctoPrint for the Seeed Studio reTerminal – Live Blog – Day 2

This post is a series of posts in which I detail my journey to bring OctoPrint to the Seeed Studio reTerminal.

Day 2 – 06-09-2022

In today’s post we’ll be look at OctoEverywhere, getting a Virtual Environment setup, Configuring VS Code, and running OctoPrint for the first time from VS Code.


OctoEverywhere – 06-09-22

This morning I had a lovely tweet from the folks over at OctoEverywhere mentioning their service for accessing OctoPrint from Anywhere for free;

OctoEverywhere Tweet

Looking at their web site, this service, which is also a Plugin for OctoPrint, looks awesome;

OctoEverywhere Website

I’ve also persuaded their lead developer to come speak at possibly both Dot NET Notts and Notts IoT, which is awesome! So keep your eyes peeled on the Dot NET Notts and Notts IoT Meetup pages!

I’ll definitely circle back with this service and see how I can make use of it.

Continuing with VirtualEnv

I left off last night with a different command to use to create a virtual environment, where we use Python instead of virtualenv to create the environment;

python -m venv c:\repos\OctoPrint\

So let’s see what what does;

Python Environment Setup

Well, that appeared to do nothing… Running a dir;

Dir after Virtual Environment Created

I can’t see anything… Let’s see if perhaps it just doesn’t create anything in the folder, and use the source command to activate the environment;

source ./venv/Scripts/activate
Source command not recognised

Hmm… So that didn’t work… I’m really showing I know nothing about Python Virtual Environments here aren’t I!

I’m just going to double check the version of virtualenv;

VirtualEnv Version

Looks like I’ve got version 20.16.4… So it’s definitely installed ok…

Doing another search for setting up a Python Virtual Environment on Windows, there’s a site mothergeo-py with some detail;

Where again, it shows the following command;

virtualenv --python C:\Path\To\Python\python.exe venv

But this command looks like the paramaters are specified slightly differently to the previous ones in the main docs;

virtualenv --python=C:/Python3/python.exe venv

So, the new version from the other site would correlate to the following for my installation;

virtualenv --python C:\Users\pete_\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\python.exe venv

So, let’s give that a go;

VirtualEnv working?

Ooo… Is that working?

Activating the Virtual Environment

Ok, we now need to activate the virtual environment… The new information I found at the mothergeo-py site shows the following to activate the Virtual Pyhthon Environment;


So this looks like there should be a physical directory present now… Let’s run a dir;

venv directory present

Look at that, there’s now a venv directory. The command above seems to think there should be a scripts and an activate in there… Let’s have a look;

Scripts and Activate in venv directories

There is indeed. So, let’s hop back to our project root and run the command to activate the environment;

Virtual Environment Activated

That looks to have worked, where we now have (venv) shown at the start of our path.

Setting up the Virtual Environment

Going back to the original docs, the next step is to upgrade pip in the virtual environment it seems;

pip install --upgrade pip
Upgrade Pip in Virtual Environment

That looks like it’s already the latest…

Next up we need to install some packages – develop, plugins and docs;

python -m pip install -e '.[develop,plugins,docs]'

It’s now busy downloading and installing a heap of stuff;

Installing Packages in Virtual Environment

Oh dear… We now have some red errors;

Errors Installing Packages

Scrolling up, I spot the issue;

Visual C++ 14.0 missing

error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with “Microsoft C++ Build Tools”: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/

Installing Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0

So I’m missing Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0… Which I would’ve though would’ve been installed as part of those Build Tools we installed yesterday?

So, let’s go ahead and go to https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools and get C++ installed;

Download Microsoft C++ Build Tools

Clicking on the “Download Build Tools” button, seems to download the same installer as we used yesterday;

Visual Studio Build Tools

Which confirms my thought that we should’ve have this installed already.

Remembering the process before, we had some options to download additional packages as part of the install, so perhaps we just needed to make sure that we selected the C++ stuff.

Running the latest installer application again, we get the same prompt about configuration;

Visual Studio Installer – Set Up

We get some downloads and installations;

Visual Studio Installer – Downloading

This appears to be the Visual Studio 2022 Build Tools;

Visual Studio 2022 Build Tools – Installation

Looking at the Individual Components tab… There’s a heap of options here;

Visual Studio Installer – Individual Components

So, I think I’ll just try installing the main “Desktop development with C++” Workload;

Desktop Development with C++ Workload

I can see the Build Tools are included as part of this workload… Scrolling down though, the VS2019 variant isn’t selected;

MSVC v142 – VS 2019 C++ Build Tools

So, let’s select that too and cover our bases;

C++ Build Tools Installation requires more space

Darn it… Looks like I need more space on my hard drive… Time to delete some stuff!

Free Space for installation

Ok, with that, let’s get the C++ Build Tools installed;

Build Tools Installing

After a good while, the Build Tools are now installed;

Build Tools Installed

Using pip to install packages in the Virtual Environment

Now, I’m not sure if I’m going to need to close the terminal window before the Virtual Environment will find the new tools… So let’s do that, re-activate the Virtual Environment and try the install command again;

cd /repos/Octoprint
python -m pip install -e '.[develop,plugins,docs]'

The terminal is now busy running through it’s operations;

Pip Install Progress

While this is installing, I’m realising I should either create a blog around how to do this, which is more succinct than this one, or indeed submit a PR to the official docs… or both?

In the meantime, this looks like the install procedure has completed successfully this time;

Pip Install Complete

Git Pre-Commit

With those pip bits done, going back to the docs, the next thing we need to do is run the pre-commit command.

I’m not sure what this is to be fair… A google search for just pre-commit brings up a bunch of stuff;

pre-commit Google Search Results

The majority seem to be around Git Hooks, and another search around what Git Hooks are reveals;

The pre-commit hook is run first, before you even type in a commit message. It’s used to inspect the snapshot that’s about to be committed, to see if you’ve forgotten something, to make sure tests run, or to examine whatever you need to inspect in the code.

So let’s see what it does… Especially as I’m not in a Git Bash session as we know;

pre-commit Command Successful

That looks like that worked ok… In fact, it looks like perhaps it’s added something to our git repo… Let’s have a look;

Git Hooks Directory

We have a hooks directory… Looking inside of there;

Git Hooks Directory Contents

Looks like we’ve got a bunch of sample files… I wonder what could be in there?

There is also a file called pre-commit however, so this must’ve been the main file we just created.

Git Changes, Blame and Ignore

The final command we need to run is a git config command;

git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs

From what I can work out, this allows us to ignore a whole set of changes in our code base from a Git Perspective… We can check that out first by looking at our solution in something like VS Code first, and looking at the Source Control information.

If we navigate back to our project root directory, we can open the project in Visual Studio Code by typing;

code .

When VS Code opens, we can switch the the Source Control tab and view the number of changes we can also see that on the Source Control icon directly in the toolbar;

VS Code Number of Changed Files

Interestingly, I see 730 changes here… That seems a lot… Looking at the files that have changed, they appear to be in the Lib directory… I’d have thought that this would’ve been excluded in the .gitignore file as they should be brought in rather than being part of the Source Control?

A quick Google search brings up an example gitignore file for Python Projects.

I can see that indeed the lib folder is ignored;

Example gitignore for Python Projects

Let’s just double check that I’ve not somehow changed something… Let’s have a look at the original gitignore in github;

No lib file in original gitignore

Ok, so it’s never been there… Well, interesting… So, I’m guessing that the git blame command will ignore these files then?

Looking again at the command we’re going to run;

git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs

There’s a reference to a file here by the looks of it blame.ignoreRevsFile. Let’s go have a look see if that file exists and what’s in it. Switching back to Visual Studio Code;

git-blame-ignore-revs file

We can see the file that’s being referenced. Let’s open it up and see what’s in it;

.git-blame-ignore-revs file contents

This appears to be a list of git commit references to me… But they appear to be related to formatting changes rather than anything in the lib folder…

So, let’s see what it does when we run the command;

Git Blame

Outwardly… Nothing… Let’s see what changed in VS Code;

VS Code Source Control Changes after Blame

Errr… Nothing… Ok… Interesting.

Let’s just try running some git commands in the terminal to see what it thinks there..

A quick Google again tells me that, to list the untracked files, we can run the following command;

git status

According to Atlassian;

The git status command displays the state of the working directory and the staging area. It lets you see which changes have been staged, which haven’t, and which files aren’t being tracked by Git.

So running that command we see;

git status command

Where we can see that the Lib folder is indeed untracked, along with a few other files, matching what we saw in VS Code.

I’m loath to modify the gitignore file to add the Lib folder, as I don’t know how the build process works elsewhere.

Thinking further down the line, I’m not sure how I will source control my new Plugin as I’m guessing the plugin could live within this folder structure? Hopefully not!

Configuring VS Code

Next up we need to configure our editor of choice VS Code to build and launch OctoPrint.

Returning to the docs, we can scroll down and the find the Visual Studio Code (vscode) section, which tells us to create a .vscode folder and add a settings.json, tasks.json and a launch.json file and paste in some content into each;

Configure VS Code

After creating the .vscode folder, then creating a settings.json file, pasting in the contents and saving, I’m prompted that an Invalid Python Interpreter is selected;

VS Code – Invalid Python Interpreter

Let’s sort that out by hitting the Select Python Interpreter button in the dialog;

VS Code – Select Python Interpreter Options

We then get a list of Python Interpreters to select. We can see we have a recommended one highlighted… Let’s choose that for now shall we… I guess we can always change our minds later (famous last words?)

At the bottom right of VS Code, we can now see our selected Interpreter;

VS Code – Selected Python Interpreter

I’ll carry on and add the remaining two files.

I don’t see any items in any of the three that need changing to match any path differences, so that’s all good;

VS Code – Files Added

The next thing we’re told to do is install the Python Extension for VS Code with;

code --install-extension ms-python.python

I’ve got a feeling that I’ve got that installed already.. Let’s check my Extensions;

VS Code – Python Extension

Yup… Looks like I’ve already got that installed… Assuming that it’s the same extension that is… We can check that by clicking on the extension in the list and scrolling to the bottom of the right hand panel;

VS Code – Python Extension ID

We can see that the Identifier matches, so we’re all good.

The final step we’re told to do is to install code formatter black and linter flake8 from our terminal window or from VS Code;

python -m pip install -U black flake8 flake8-bugbear

We’ve still got our terminal window open at the right location, so let’s run it there;

Install Code Formatter and Linter

That appears to have worked just fine.

Running OctoPrint for the first time

The docs now give us a summary of what we’ve configured;

  • Pressing F5 will now start OctoPrint in debug mode
  • Your terminal inside vscode uses the virtual python environment
  • Saving a file will run an auto formatter and import sort
  • Ctrl+Shift+B can be used to run the build docs task to rebuild the documentation

So, let’s go ahead and see if it runs shall we…

Early signs look good, with the standard VS Code debug toolbar showing and a build happenning…

OctoPrint starting up

Oh dear… I see an error;

OctoPrint fails to start – click Module

It appears that it can’t find a module named click.

A Google search leads me to a page from Borislav Hadzhiev which suggests we just need to install the module with;

pip install click

That sounds sensible… Let’s try that from our familiar terminal window;

click package already installed

Oh… It reckons it’s already installed… Darn it… That complicates matters a bit.

Reading through the rest of this post from Borislav Hadzhiev, they mention that we have to be careful about where the pip package is installed…

In our terminal we’re in an Virtual Environment as denoted by the venv;

Terminal in Virtual Environment

However, in the VS Code Terminal, I don’t think we are in that environment;

VS Code – Terminal not in Virtual Environment

Looking at the post, if we’re not in a virtual environment and want to install click, we need to run a slightly different command;

pip3 install click

So, let’s try running that in the VS Code Terminal;

VS Code – Install Click Package

That looks to have installed at least… Ok, now let’s try pressing F5 again and see what happens;

VS Code missing werkzeug Package

Ok, we’re missing another package – werkzeug… Let’s install that one too with;

pip3 install werkzeug
VS Code – Install werkzeug Package

That looks to have installed correctly… F5 again…

CS Code – Missing ZipStream Package

Oh for heaven’s sake… Another missing package, this time zipstream… I could be at this a while… I’m going to try this last one, and if another one pops up, it’s time to do some more digging;

pip3 install zipstream
VS Code – Install ZipStream Package

One more try of F5;

VS Code – Missing ZipStream.ng Package

Yup… Another failure… Time for a break and see what I turn up when I get back.

I wonder if, somehow, the VS Code Terminal should have the Virtual Environment Activated? I don’t know if just activating here in the active terminal window would then stick when F5 is pressed.

It really feels like activating the Virtual Environment should be part of the launch.json steps?

I think that’s about it for today… It’s almost time to go live with AzureishLive! If you’re following along, you can catch the show at 9PM BST on the AzureishLive Twitch Channel, where myself, Maria-Anastasia Moustaka and Cliff Agius will be looking at what I’ve done so far, as well as talking through some of this week’s IoT News.

More tomorrow!

Changing the Python Interpreter

Well… I know I said more tomorrow… But, during tonight’s IoTeaLive, we managed to get the debug environment up and running!

You can watch the moment we got it working here;

OctoPrint Debug working for the first time live on IoTeaLive

I proposed during the stream, after talking through the issues I’d seen, that it was possible that changing the Python Interpreter in VS Code may solve the issue of my missing packages.

So, returning to VS Code and hitting ctrl+shift+P to bring the Palette up, we can type python interpreter and select the Python: Select Interpreter option;

VS Code – Select Python Interpreter

We’re now shown the same list of Python Interpreters to choose from;

VS Code – Python Interpreters Choices

Where as before, we’d selected the Recommended option of the ('OctoPrint': venv) .\scripts\python.exe Interpreter, we now select the ('venv': venv) .\venv\Scripts\python.exe option.

Running the OctoPrint from VS Code

Pressing F5 now results in a whole heap of terminal logging and a running application.

VS Code – OctoPrint Logging

We also get a Windows Security Alert which we can accept to allow us to access the application;

Firewall Rule

Once the log messages had stopped scrolling past, I needed to find the address OctoPrint was running on… After some scrolling I found this line;

VS Code – OctoPrint URL

So OctoPrint is available on;


Navigating to that address in our browser… Hey presto… We get the setup experience page! Wahoo!

OctoPrint – Setup Page

And that really is it for me tonight… Tomorrow I plan on looking at how to develop plugins… See you then!

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